Summary PDF

Individual Book Details: H0011

Record Date
Collection Name
Notable Copies
Ownership Type
Private Owner
1981 Book of Mormon, Subtitle Prototype Volume
Given to Brent Ashworth from members of the Scriptures Committee as they were preparing to add the subtitle to the1982 printing
Unique Features
Spine: Traditional 1981 format spine, hard cover
Spine Lettering and Label: Gold title at the top with the Church listed at the bottom.
Cover: Traditional 1981 format title. Hard Cover. Additional subtitle of “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” in capital block gold lettering, different font than traditional 1982 subtitling.
Binding: original and intact
Title Page: Present, 1981 printing date
Text: Traditional 1981 text
Inscription: None recorded
Notes: This was a prototype for the 1982 subtitle. In 1981 the book was printed with just “The Book of Mormon” title. The Scripture committee proposed adding a subtitle and this volume was made in late 1981. The font was changed for 1982 with the subtitle printed for the 1982 volume going forward.
